Special Sessions
The EFA 2023 Annual Meeting offers three sessions in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank, and the Norges Bank Investment Management.
Papers for the special sessions will undergo the same submission and review process as regular paper submissions. Submitting to special sessions means that you are submitting to the main conference. The papers for these special sessions will be chosen from the pool submitted to the conference.
Bank for International
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) encourages the submission of papers on the topic Digital assets and the future of finance.
- Tokenising real assets: opportunities and challenges
- Stablecoins vs tokenised deposits
- Central bank digital currencies: design and implications for monetary policy and financial stability
- DeFi and new financial services
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) encourages the submission of papers on the topic The Risks of Soaring Inflation and Policy Rate Hikes.
An era of low-for-long interest rates has ended. Inflation has made a dramatic re-emergence and to fight double digit inflation numbers, major central banks around the world have rapidly increased its policy rates.
- How will the financial system deal with this increase in interest rates?
- Will liquidity become scarcer and what are the consequences for the functioning of financial markets?
- Is financial stability risk?
- Are there areas in the financial system that are no longer viable and will this burden the rest of the system?
- Will there be dislocations in debt markets? And, is the existing regulatory framework able to cope with possible challenges?
Norges Bank Investment
Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) encourages the submission of papers on the topic Understanding the long-run drivers of asset prices:
- Asset pricing in an international context
- Institutional investor demand, lending supply and asset prices
- Tradable risk factors and their links to the macro economy
We welcome theoretical and empirical papers aiming to understand the longer-run determinants of asset prices, especially in an international context.